Shipbuilding Turnkey Solution

In­terior Out­fit­ting in the Pro­cess & Mar­ine In­dustry.
Spe­cial­ising in the ex­traordin­ary.

Re­gard­less of whether it’s re­fit­ting an iconic ocean liner in re­cord time or en­sur­ing that the hard work­ing crew on a re­mote oil­rig can get their hot meals, KAEFER has the team to make the seem­ingly im­possible pos­sible.

KAEFER is reg­u­larly called upon to work on large cruise ships, but the Queen Mary 2 was an ex­cep­tional chal­lenge. 35 pas­sen­ger cab­ins, a pantry, tech­nical rooms and an en­tire stair­case needed to be fit­ted in a very short time.

The work in­volved re­mov­ing teak deck­ing and ex­ist­ing out­door areas with heavy ma­chinery and in­stalling KAEFER in­su­lated steel sec­tions on the decks. It was a day and night job to get it done in time, but in just 21 full work­ing days, the Queen Mary 2 was ready to set sail again.

With the Troll B plat­form in Nor­way, the chal­lenge was to up­grade the heart of the oil plat­form: the gal­ley. The en­tire kit­chen needed to be brought up to date, without dis­rupt­ing daily op­er­a­tions. So that the crew could eat. In ad­di­tion to hav­ing to brave the wind, weather and very lim­ited space on­board, the KAEFER team had to ad­here to strict NOR­SOK reg­u­la­tions. Yet the pro­ject was com­pleted in just five months to the sat­is­fac­tion of the cli­ent and con­stantly hungry crew.

Com­plet­ing these kinds of jobs in such a short time­frame re­quires highly qual­i­fied, flex­ible and mo­tiv­ated teams. People who think in terms of solu­tions rather than in terms of prob­lems. People that work at KAEFER.

Our range of products and sys­tems

  • Wall, ceiling and floor systems
  • KAETEX – high temperature-resistant mattresses
  • Fire Safety Products
    • Fire Sliding Doors
    • Fire Roller Shutters
    • Fire Stacking Barriers
  • A60 Cold Room Doors
  • Silencers
  • Pre-fabricated pantries

What we do in in­terior out­fit­ting

  • Planning, conception and design
  • Inspection and testing
  • Material supply
  • Assembly and installation
  • Service and maintenance
  • Project and quality management

Where we work in in­terior out­fit­ting

  • Cruise ships
  • River cruise ships
  • Ferries
  • Yachts
  • Naval vessels
  • Merchant vessels
  • LNG and LPG vessels
  • Offshore production platforms
  • Offshore receiving terminals
  • Offshore drilling rigs
  • FPSO facilities