PFP in Civil Con­struc­tion

Tack­ling fire from every angle with com­pre­hens­ive solu­tions.

Plan­ning the con­struc­tion of a ma­jor struc­ture is vir­tu­ally im­pos­sible without tak­ing fire pro­tec­tion into ac­count. This is es­pe­cially crit­ical in tun­nels, where the risks and po­ten­tial ef­fects of fire are ex­po­nen­tially higher.

Ham­bur­g’s New Elbe Tun­nel is an es­sen­tial part of Ger­many’s mo­tor­way net­work and a key con­nec­tion between Ger­many and Scand­inavia. Mak­ing its way un­der the Elbe River, it’s one of the longest un­der­wa­ter tun­nels in the world. Con­se­quently, en­sur­ing its safety and se­cur­ity for the thou­sands of mo­tor­ists who use it every day, were para­mount.

That’s where KAE­FER’s ex­pert­ise in fire pro­tec­tion came in. Over the course of 19 months, spe­cial­ists de­signed and im­ple­men­ted a high-per­form­ance smoke ex­haust duct sys­tem and co­or­din­ated the in­stall­a­tion of sev­eral thou­sand square metres of fire pro­tec­tion plates throughout the tun­nel. In ad­di­tion to KAE­FER’s tech­nical and ap­plic­a­tion ex­pert­ise, pro­jects like these be­ne­fit from me­tic­u­lous in-house plan­ning. KAEFER of­fers the com­plete spec­trum: from de­vel­op­ment, con­struc­tion plan­ning and ma­ter­ial ana­lyses to pro­ject man­age­ment, qual­ity con­trol and lo­gist­ics.

When it comes to tun­nel safety, every de­tail mat­ters. And the nu­mer­ous con­struc­tion pro­jects where KAEFER has suc­cess­fully provided high per­form­ance fire pro­tec­tion show just how ser­i­ously we take safety and at­ten­tion to de­tail.

Our fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems for build­ings and tun­nels

  • Prefabrication
  • Jacketing for steel girders and pillars
  • Air ducts
  • Wiring ducts
New Elbe tunnel in Hamburg, Germany