What we do

In­su­la­tion and bey­ond.

Without in­su­la­tion, you would­n’t be able to eat what you eat and drive what you drive – it’s one of the corner­stones of mod­ern in­dustry and makes the lives we live today pos­sible.

So it should­n’t come as a sur­prise that we take in­su­la­tion very ser­i­ously. In fact, we’re pas­sion­ate about in­su­la­tion. And about all the other ser­vices and solu­tions we provide that go with it. We can of­fer you a com­pletely in­teg­rated pack­age with all the ele­ments you need to in­crease ef­fi­ciency and suc­cess in just about any pro­ject. Be­cause for us, the cli­ent is at the centre of everything we do and provide.

But don’t just take our word for it. On the fol­low­ing pages, we’ll show you what we can do to drive your busi­ness for­ward with our highly pro­fes­sional plant in­teg­rity ser­vices and solu­tions. These range from in­su­la­tion, ac­cess, sur­face pro­tec­tion, to pass­ive fire pro­tec­tion and re­fract­ory as well as the com­plex in­terior out­fit­ting of build­ings and ship cab­ins, for ex­ample.

Our Industries

KAEFER in Africa works across a range of industries. From energy and mining through to construction, power generation, food and beverage and refinery sectors. We provide tailored services and solutions for major clients across Africa.


KAEFER has earned a global reputation as a leading service provider for the Energy Industry, from the LNG and Oil & Gas markets through to energy production and distribution. We have built a reputation over the last 100 years of working in the most challenging environments, delivering large-scale Greenfield projects through to Brownfield environments.


From construction projects through to maintenance and shutdown services, we have built a reputation for delivering safely, on-time and to a high-quality standard. We work with our clients from the initial concept stage (early contractor involvement) through to execution and handover, delivering projects of all sizes across plant infrastructure.


We work around the world, helping a wide range of clients to keep their facilities operating reliably. We have significant experience executing a range of projects, maintenance, and shutdown scopes. We work actively with our clients to maintain asset longevity.

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