PFP in the Mar­ine In­dustry

High safety on the high seas.

If it wer­en’t for the gentle sway and sea breeze, you’d be hard pressed to dis­tin­guish a mod­ern cruise liner from a re­sort. Out­side areas, prom­en­ades, parks. These are all prom­in­ent fea­tures out at sea. But the size, scale and com­plex­ity of these float­ing cit­ies present unique chal­lenges for fire pro­tec­tion and safety.

With a com­pre­hens­ive range of fire safety products for ships and off­shore ap­plic­a­tions, KAEFER has the ex­pert­ise and tech­no­logy to keep pas­sen­gers and crew safe while sail­ing. KAEFER fire slid­ing doors have been in per­man­ent ser­vice on ships, yachts, fer­ries and other ves­sels for over 25 years. Made from com­pos­ite ma­ter­i­als, they provide ex­cel­lent tech­nical func­tion­al­ity, low weight, strong res­ist­ance and max­imum fire pro­tec­tion. KAE­FER’s in­nov­at­ive fire roller shut­ters are ideal for open areas on ships. They are res­ist­ant to wind and weather while also fit­ting seam­lessly within tight design para­met­ers and space re­stric­tions, not to men­tion their ex­cel­lent levels of fire pro­tec­tion.

All KAEFER mar­ine and off­shore fire pro­tec­tion products and sys­tems are de­veloped with cli­ent de­mands in mind and com­bine high strength and per­form­ance with low weight and space re­quire­ments. And on top of that, KAEFER fire safety products already meet green stand­ards set by the Hong Kong In­ter­na­tional Con­ven­tion for the Safe and En­vir­on­ment­ally Sound Re­cyc­ling of Ships as well as EU Reg­u­la­tions and the Coun­cil on Ship Re­cyc­ling.

Our Products & Sys­tems

  • Wall, ceiling and floor systems
  • KAETEX® – high temperature-resistant mattresses
  • A60 cold room doors
  • Silencers
  • Pre-fabricated pantries
  • Fire Safety Products
    • Fire Sliding Doors
    • Fire Roller Shutters
    • Fire Stacking Barriers

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