Noise Pro­tec­tion & Acous­tics

Sound solu­tions for noise and acous­tics.

Noise is un­healthy. Not just for people, but also for struc­tures as a res­ult of vi­bra­tion. KAEFER of­fers in­nov­at­ive and tailored solu­tions to deal with noise ef­fect­ively and ef­fi­ciently.

It all starts with meas­ure­ment. Our en­gin­eers ana­lyse noise levels and ori­gins with state-of-the-art equip­ment and de­velop noise pro­tec­tion meas­ures that are tailored ex­actly and in­di­vidu­ally to each fa­cil­ity or build­ing. These are tested and de­veloped in our own acous­tic labor­at­ory, which fea­tures a wall test stand as well as a pipe in­su­la­tion test fa­cil­ity. That means we can of­fer high-qual­ity, cus­tom­ised sound ab­sorbers, acous­tic en­clos­ures, acous­tic screens as well as pipe and ves­sel in­su­la­tion com­bined with thermal re­quire­ments to our cli­ents.

For ex­ample, in ships and off­shore fa­cil­it­ies, our Cor­por­ate Op­er­a­tions Ex­cel­lence – Tech­nical Ex­cel­lence & Sup­port Acous­tics team makes com­plete pre­dic­tions of noise and vi­bra­tion levels on the basis of lay­outs and ar­chi­tec­tural designs. They de­velop cus­tom­ised noise pro­tec­tion meas­ures such as lin­ings, sus­pen­ded ceil­ings, float­ing or elastic floors and si­len­cers. These can be com­bined with fire pro­tec­tion or thermal in­su­la­tion and ful­fil all in­ter­na­tional stand­ards and re­quire­ments.

Re­gard­less of whether it’s about re­du­cing noise or op­tim­ising acous­tics and ab­sorb­ing sounds in ships and off­shore fa­cil­it­ies, in­dus­trial plants, rooms or build­ings, KAEFER has the the­or­et­ical and prac­tical ex­pert­ise to make it hap­pen ef­fect­ively and cost-ef­fi­ciently.

Our range of ser­vices and solu­tions

We de­velop pro­pri­et­ary pro­jects, acous­tic train­ing and sem­inars for staff and cli­ents in all areas. Fur­ther­more, we provide:

Ship and Offshore Acoustics

  • Noise/vibration measurements, analysis
  • Preparation of acoustic reports and predictions
  • Development and design of noise protection measures

Industrial Acoustics

  • Noise/vibration measurements, analysis
  • Planning of noise emissions, noise at work, simulations
  • Development and design of noise protection measures

Room and Building Acoustics / Construction

  • Noise measurements, analysis
  • Preparation of acoustic reports and predictions
  • Development and design of noise protection measures
  • Optimisation of acoustics in rooms, sound absorption in buildings


  • Development and design of noise protection measures
Noise protection in a power plant
KAEFER acoustic laboratory