
One group – one code.

Over the past 100 years, KAEFER em­ploy­ees around the world have been work­ing to­gether am­bi­tiously to de­ve­lop high qual­ity solu­tions for our cli­ents, based on trust and a com­mon set of val­ues and norms. We are proud of our track re­cord that in­volves de­liv­er­ing what we prom­ise and never let­ting a cus­tomer down. In 2018, we have up­dated our Code of Busi­ness Con­duct with con­tem­por­ary top­ics that have be­come in­creas­ingly rel­ev­ant to all of us. In do­ing so, we are en­sur­ing strong busi­ness con­trol.

Our long-term suc­cess would not have been pos­sible without our cor­por­ate cul­ture and our value ori­ent­a­tion which are sup­por­ted by the fam­ily own­ers and their her­it­age. Trust is the basis of all our activ­it­ies. We com­mit ourselves to act in such a way so that we can main­tain and in­tensify the trust and loy­alty of our cus­tom­ers, em­ploy­ees, and owner fam­ily. Trust can only de­ve­lop if our ac­tions are pre­dict­able and based on con­sist­ent be­ha­viour – from the work­ers on site all the way up to the com­pany’s top man­age­ment. Cre­at­ing an en­vir­on­ment of trust and con­tinu­ously striv­ing to mas­ter our pro­fes­sion will help us achieve a high de­gree of col­lab­or­a­tion. Re­spect­ing in­di­vidu­als will help fa­cil­it­ate true dia­logue and mu­tual learn­ing. The col­le­gial in­ter­ac­tion will help us find the right de­cisions in com­plex situ­ations. Re­li­ab­il­ity and res­ult ori­ent­a­tion will help us ex­ceed our ex­pect­a­tions, and a good por­tion of mod­esty will al­ways help us stay rooted and re­mem­ber the true North: the pur­suit of our mis­sion.

As a res­ult, KAEFER is strongly com­mit­ted to risk man­age­ment and com­pli­ance, which we define as a set of guidelines, rules, and pro­ced­ures that are de­signed to pre­vent, mon­itor, and re­solve con­duct or prac­tices that go against legal, eth­ical, and busi­ness stand­ards.

The Code of Busi­ness Con­duct out­lines our policies as they re­late to our cor­por­ate goals and val­ues. This Code ap­plies to every per­son who con­ducts busi­ness with or for the KAEFER Group world­wide mean­ing all our em­ploy­ees, in­clud­ing all levels of man­age­ment in the KAEFER Group as well as con­sult­ants, tem­por­ary work­ers, and sub­con­tract­ors. The Code out­lines how we act and do busi­ness. Re­gard­less of the work we do daily, we all have to abide by the laws, stand­ards, and guidelines that ap­ply to our work and we must act eth­ic­ally and fairly and with hon­esty, in­teg­rity, and re­spect.

Only if we all act in keep­ing with the high stand­ards we set ourselves can we face the chal­lenges and changes the fu­ture holds and en­sure a sus­tain­able and in­nov­at­ive busi­ness model for gen­er­a­tions to come.