
The en­tire spec­trum of in­su­la­tion – we’ve got it covered.

In­su­la­tion is every­where. And in every place it’s found, it per­forms a vi­tal func­tion. Put simply, in­su­la­tion keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. But things really start to get in­ter­est­ing when we con­sider the chal­lenges in de­vel­op­ing, cre­at­ing and fit­ting in­su­la­tion for in­dus­trial and high-tech ap­plic­a­tions. That’s KAE­FER’s spe­ci­al­ity. From thermal and cryo­genic in­su­la­tion to noise pro­tec­tion and acous­tic in­su­la­tion as well as nuc­lear cas­settes – KAEFER provides in­nov­at­ive solu­tions, products and ser­vices that pro­tect, con­serve and en­sure the per­form­ance and func­tion of mod­ern in­dustry.

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