In­su­la­tion for Nuc­lear Fa­cil­it­ies

Tak­ing the tailored ap­proach to nuc­lear in­su­la­tion.

Op­er­at­ors and man­u­fac­tur­ers of nuc­lear power plants are very de­mand­ing in terms of safety, re­li­ab­il­ity, qual­ity and func­tion­al­ity when it comes to build­ing, main­tain­ing and re­pair­ing their fa­cil­it­ies. KAEFER meets these strin­gent de­mands with high-per­form­ance in­su­la­tion and fire-pro­tec­tion sys­tems and of­fers a wide vari­ety of ded­ic­ated solu­tions to its cus­tom­ers. De­pend­ing on the loc­a­tion and the spe­cific­a­tions, full metal in­su­la­tion, cas­sette in­su­la­tion or mat­tress in­su­la­tion is used, as well as spe­cially de­veloped and tested fire-pro­tec­tion sys­tems.

KAEFER has es­tab­lished an ex­cel­lent repu­ta­tion amongst nuc­lear power plant op­er­at­ors world­wide. KAEFER en­gin­eers are on site in Brazil, Rus­sia, South Africa, France, Switzer­land and Fin­land. In Olkiluoto, Fin­land, KAEFER en­gin­eers and tech­ni­cians from France, Fin­land and Ger­many are cur­rently work­ing to­gether on the con­struc­tion of the first European pres­sur­ised wa­ter re­actor (EPR). KAEFER is re­spons­ible for in­su­lat­ing the cover of the re­act­or’s pres­sure ves­sel and the primary loop.

Qual­i­fied KAEFER in­su­la­tion sys­tems for Nuc­lear Power Plants

Reflective metal insulation

Ri­gid boxes made of stain­less steel sheets and as­sembled by res­ist­ance spot weld­ing

Filled only with stain­less steel foils

Con­nec­ted by quick re­lease fasten­ers

Cassette insulation

Ri­gid boxes made of stain­less steel sheets and as­sembled by res­ist­ance spot weld­ing

Filled with fiber ma­ter­ial (totally en­cap­su­lated w/​o dust pol­lu­tion)

Con­nec­ted by quick re­lease fasten­ers

Mattress insulation

Soft blankets made of glas fiber cloth and as­sembled by glas fiber thread

Filled with fiber ma­ter­ial

Con­nec­ted by hook and loop fasten­ers (vel­cro)

Our ser­vices & solu­tions for nuc­lear power plants


  • Over 30 years of expertise and experience
  • Individual 3D design
  • Fully customisable insulation systems developed in house, without restrictions
  • Tested for LOCA conditions and thermal properties without restrictions
  • Fully reproducible documentation


  • Highest fabrication quality thanks to KAEFER standardisation
  • No limits in terms of customer requirements
  • Pre-assembly and inspection before shipment
  • Final approval of each module by the engineering department and by client representatives

Site activities

  • Easy and secure handling during outages
  • Simple planning for inspections and maintenance work while in service
  • Reduction of down time
  • Lower collective dose rates for personnel
  • High performance systems adaptable to existing insulation
Insulation of main steam collector
Pump insulation