PFP in Pro­cess & En­ergy In­dustry

Stop­ping fire in its tracks.

Fire is and re­mains a sub­stan­tial risk. However, thanks to tech­no­lo­gical in­nov­a­tion, KAEFER can take steps to min­im­ise that risk and provide pro­tec­tion from the dangers of fire. Es­pe­cially in large build­ings, com­plexes and in­dus­trial fa­cil­it­ies as well as in ship­build­ing and off­shore.

In the case of one of our cli­ents’ gas stor­age fa­cil­it­ies, it was an ex­ist­en­tial is­sue. Be­cause dur­ing the plan­ning of its ex­ten­sion, it quickly be­came clear that pro­tec­tion goals and fire res­ist­ance times were un­able to be met with con­ven­tional sys­tems. KAE­FER’s solu­tion was to de­vise a cus­tom­ised set of fire pro­tec­tion meas­ures us­ing our EN­ERGY Fir­e­cover® boxes. These can be ap­plied even in dif­fi­cult to ac­cess or tech­nic­ally com­plex areas and ful­fil all ne­ces­sary fire pro­tec­tion stand­ards. On top of that, EN­ERGY Fir­e­cover® boxes are fab­ric­ated in-house, giv­ing the cli­ent full ser­vice from one source as well as the pos­sib­il­ity to un­der­take re­vi­sions and per­form main­ten­ance quicker and easier.

KAEFER in­nov­a­tion sets stand­ards in pass­ive fire pro­tec­tion. Be­cause for us and our cli­ents, it’s a mat­ter of se­cur­ing not just the safety of fa­cil­it­ies, but the safety of people as well.

Fabrication of ENERGY Firecover® box

Our products & ser­vices

  • Cable sealing
  • Pipe penetrations
  • Cladding for air ducts and support rails
  • Fire protection coatings, enclosures, facades and windows
  • F90 tank insulation
  • Fire protection concepts and advice
  • Composite systems with excellent fire protection properties
  • Non-flammable pipe insulation
Gas storage facility 'Peckensen', Germany with ENERGY Firecover® boxes