Fire is and remains a substantial risk. However, thanks to technological innovation, KAEFER can take steps to minimise that risk and provide protection from the dangers of fire. Especially in large buildings, complexes and industrial facilities as well as in shipbuilding and offshore.
In the case of one of our clients’ gas storage facilities, it was an existential issue. Because during the planning of its extension, it quickly became clear that protection goals and fire resistance times were unable to be met with conventional systems. KAEFER’s solution was to devise a customised set of fire protection measures using our ENERGY Firecover® boxes. These can be applied even in difficult to access or technically complex areas and fulfil all necessary fire protection standards. On top of that, ENERGY Firecover® boxes are fabricated in-house, giving the client full service from one source as well as the possibility to undertake revisions and perform maintenance quicker and easier.
KAEFER innovation sets standards in passive fire protection. Because for us and our clients, it’s a matter of securing not just the safety of facilities, but the safety of people as well.